When we write about Bryn Athyn we cannot omit writing about
Emanuel Swedenborg and today it happens to be his birthday, January 29, 1688. Here is brief
information about him and read more on this article by clicking the link below.
The life of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was steeped
simultaneously in the rational world of the physical sciences and a deep
Christian faith. He lived during the height of the Enlightenment, a period when
intellectuals rejected dogmatic religious teachings in favor of science and
reason, and his theology reflects a long struggle to understand the world of
spirit through investigation of the physical world. Ultimately, that struggle
was resolved when (as he described it) his spiritual senses were opened and he
began to interact directly with the denizens of heaven, hell, and the world of
spirits between. Although his theological writings are based on experiences and
visions that may seem unbelievable to a modern audience—as they did to many of
Swedenborg’s contemporaries—he writes with full awareness of how difficult his
accounts may be to accept. In keeping with his early scholarly training, he
presents his ideas in a logical order, drawing examples from everyday life as
proof of the truth of his words, inviting readers to judge for themselves.
Source: Swedenborg Foundation